Comm 296 Marketing Blog

Irish airliner Ryanair has quickly risen within the aviation industry and become one of the largest airlines in Europe. The airline has done so through a strategy of robust cost slashing which many feel is to the point of being unethical and at the expense of costumers. Examples of such strict policy by Ryanair include large fines for bags over size limit, failure to print a boarding pass and having to pay a premium to board and choose a seat. All of which are upheld through black and white application leaving no room to accommodate travellers regardless of situation or circumstance.

This policy being enforced by CEO Micheal O’Leary is summed up by his view on costumers: “People say the customer is always right, but you know what – they’re not. Sometimes they are wrong and they need to be told so.” Well, now Mr. O’Leary is the one being told so as such strict adherence has lead Ryanair to being named the worst of the 100 biggest brands serving the UK by readers of magazine Which? .



O’Leary has seemingly taken note recently announcing a new strategy for Ryanair: “be nice to customers.” What a revolutionary strategy! Who would have thought that accommodating clients would be a way to build loyalty and satisfaction?


Having flown Ryanair(regrettably) in the past, it’s a welcome change. If not for the low fares and vast destinations, I would not have taken Ryanair as they do a great job of making you feel unwelcome. It’s truly an ethical paradox that a company can have what feels like a disdain for consumers, yet attract 80 million annually. It will be fascinating to follow Ryanair’s future as they’ll now actually care about the costumer…or at least pretend to!