Geography and basketball?

I wrote a report on The National Basketball Association for a geography course I took last year. The assignment was to select a particular activity (e.g., world music, tourism) or event (e.g., Olympics, World Cup of Soccer) and discuss the globalization of sport and leisure. I chose to write about the NBA as it is an enormous organization that profits globally from it’s numerous teams, aka franchises. This project provided insight to the history and popularity of the NBA, foreign-born NBA players and their effect on nationalism, and the process of players transforming to global commodities.

In the process of writing this paper, I realized that the NBA was a perfect focus to emphasize the magnitude of globalisation. From ticket sales, to fantasy league, to every type of merchandise under the sun, the NBA has reached into major global markets all over the world and has made Lebron James a household name. This report solidified my interest in geography and showed me the variety and breadth that this discipline entails.

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