GEOB 270 Accomplishment Statements

Lab 1

Gain a basic understanding of GIS terms and ArcMap software and general uses of  geospatial analysis that can be used in future labs and research.

Lab 2

Learned how to manipulate data in ArcMap by using tools such as Projection-on-the-fly and ArcToolbox to align projections and make data more easy to read in order to conduct a more accurate analysis of the data.

Lab 3

Practiced working with spatial and tabular datasets by summarizing attribute table to show healthcare and educational institutions that would be affected if a Tsunami were to hit Vancouver. I created maps that revealed danger zones within Vancouver and gained understanding of GIS analysis tools such as ‘buffer’ and ‘clip’ to join layers of data.

Lab 4

Manipulated the classification methods of data in regards to Vancouver’s housing affordability compared to Ottawa by using various breaks to show ethical implications of using these different classification methods in maps.

Lab 5

Applied my acquired knowledge of GIS tools and mapping to analyze a proposed ski hill project and evaluated the environmental impact assessment if the project were to materialize. Cultivated understanding of ethical implications of recommendations to companies based off of data analysis and the potential risk assessment of such large scale projects.

Final Project

Practice collaborative team work with my project group and performed analysis of historical wildfire causes and implications in British Columbia. We found that anthropogenic causes can be attributed to over half of BC’s wildfires, and the Boreal ecodivision has experienced the highest rate of fires for it’s area.