An Absolut(ly) Fantastic Marketing Strategy
Jan 11th, 2011 by beverleycheng
Vodka. Preferably my drink of choice (although I can hear the moans and shouts of disapproval), and one which I am picky about which brand I like to drink. Although the Swedish brand Absolut isn’t my ‘top’ favorite, they do have some fantastic marketing strategies.
In 2006, Absolut dropped a new marketing campaign themed “its an Absolut world,” displaying outrageous photos of things such as pregnant men and the borders of America being pushed back to create a larger Mexico. Essentially what Absolut vodka is trying to portray through their advertising is an “ideal” world, and they confront these problems using ironic and thought provoking pictures. It is also humourous and inspiring, while appealing towards students and younger generations.
Some of these advertisements include lying leaders being exposed by their Pinocchio noses, “Absolut No Label,” addressing the labels that teenagers and students often get, factories blowing bubbles out of their chimneys, or women ordering and piecing together a perfect male.
Although this campaign started well over three years ago, it has managed to push Absolut to be one of the top sellers of spirits globally. Their innovative, creative and amusing ideas have attracted many consumers and it will be hard for other hard liquor companies to follow up on something that Absolut.