Comm 299 Blog Post
Mar 21st, 2011 by beverleycheng
I used to think I was mainly inspired by fashion designers, teachers or coaches. But when I came to university I realized that it wasn’t one person that inspired or influenced me, but a well rounded group of involved, smart and acheiving athletes. Coming to university I thought that everything I had going for me was enough, great grades, an athlete and generally involved in the volunteering community. When I came here I realized that I was close to the bottom of the list in terms of acheiving and doing remarkable things throughout my high school career.
I have been honored to meet athletes who manage to maintain a 90% average, play on national teams, help out at hospitals, volunteer coaching children and other fantastic attributes. When I ask myself what I can do differently in my life, I think about those that have already acheived so much, and are within my grasp to communicate with. These are not people who are known internationally for their successes, but they are people at UBC who are student athletes such as myself and have been able to stay determined and focused on what they want to acheive in life.
Everytime I feel like not getting up to run, or watching tv rather than studying, I think of these athletes who have acheived so much. They influence me to work hard to become that student athlete that other student athletes aspire to be and look up to.