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Nov 15 / Bianca

Business Pinterest

Pinterest has piqued everyone’s interest. Not only does the visual platform tickle the fancies of Collectors and Creators on Forrester’s Social Technographics ladder, it’s been a social media dream for online retailers. The numbers don’t lie. According to OttoPilot Media, referrals from Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase, and Pinterest-driven retail traffic boasts an impressive average order value (AOV) of $80 – a whopping $40 ahead of Facebook’s AOV.

Since its founding in 2010, it didn’t take long for brands to flock to the online pinboard site to showcase its wares. It wasn’t until now that Pinterest has taken tangible measures to actively monetize its business. Just this week, Pinterest finally revealed their new business accounts. Apart from allowing businesses to register without the need for a first and last name and a new verification badge akin to that of Twitter’s, business accounts look exactly the same as user accounts.

The good stuff happens behind the scenes. On the back end, the provision of free tools and resources greatly help facilitate and incentivize business-oriented uses of Pinterest. The company introduced a whole slew of materials, such as a Pinterest guide for businesses, marketing guidelines, and even case studies of best practices. On the surface, not much looks different… yet. It’s only a sure sign for bigger things to come.

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