Spot On

Every New Semester:

After First Week:

After Second Week:  

Before the Mid-Term Test:  

During the Mid-Term Test:  

After the Mid-Term Test:  
Before the Final Exams:  
Once Get to Know the Final Exam Schedule:  
7 Days Before the Final Exam:  
6 Days Before the Final Exam:  
5 Days Before the Final Exam:  
4 Days Before the Final Exam:  
3 Days Before the Final Exam:  
2 Days Before the Final Exam:    
1 Day Before the Final Exam:  
The Night Before the Final Exam:  
1 Hour Before the Final Exam:  
During the Final Exam:  
Once Walk Out From the Examination Hall:  
After the Final Exam, During the Holiday:  

Summer and Learning Yoruba-Nigerian Language

So this summer, beside studying and working, I’ve also been also trying to attend nigerian festivities and such. These are things I didn’t really get to experience in Vancouver that much because their aren’t many nigerians in Vancouver. In fact I’m trying to pick up my native language ‘Yoruba’ this summer. Yoruba is one of Nigeria’s many languages. I like to call myself 1.5lingual. So I can understand english perfectly, but with Yoruba, I can hear it very well, but when it comes to speaking it, I can’t remember the words. I don’t think I had an hour go by at UBC where I didn’t hear another language. There were days I heard other languages more than English! And not that I’m paranoid or anything but I swear this ONE TIME this girl was definitely talking about me. So I want to go back to UBC and not have to step out the room when taking a personal phone call. No I’ll sit right in that room and speak a completely foreign language at my own discretion. Is it possible to completely learn to speak it myself not just hear it? I hope so, i’ll add it to my list of goals this summer.

For any bilingual people out there, I’m curious, if you speak multiple languages, which language do you think in? Your first language? Anyone think in their second language?

Now for the nigerian festivities. At these barbeques and parties, when I asked people what they did in their spare time, everyone seemed to be a part of something. One girl is part of a book club. One girl is part of a volunteer team at a library, and another girl volunteers at a hospital. Point blank, I need to be more actively involved in my community.

Lately after work, I eat sleep, go on facebook or watch Nigerian movies. A habit I unfortunately caught from my mom. When I was at UBC I watched a lot of korean drama’s and taiwanese drama’s and that surprised a lot of people lol. I guess there’s something about the predictable plot lines and overacting that entices me.

Now for time consuming events taking me away from doing something useful…I have been watching pretty much anything and everything on tv. I either watch CTV shows online. So The View: I know it’s for more mature ladies but you will never be uninformed about whats going on if you watch this. I watched Greys Anatomy when it was on, but usually half watched it…I watched Hellcats, well because it’s filmed at UBC! Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, 90210, Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and Nigerian films.

Besides tv, I’ve also been trying to win MMVA tickets! There in toronto, and I just don’t know how I can’t go when Lady Gaga will be there. I pretty much have to listen to Chum Radio…and try and win, or on tv. People stayed outside for 3 days to get these tickets, but unfortunately some people have work. Otherwise…I might have been out there.

So far my summer has been studying, working, tv, and movies! As for studying, I’m hearing about friends of mine doing really well in Chem 233, so I’m not as scared now..though I should be.

As of now, I have been looking for a tennis court around where I live, and no luck 🙁 Hope everyone’s enjoying their summer.


Online Courses & Registration

I recently looked up a few online courses, because I plan on taking online courses, or distant education courses as they call them. It seems highly convenient and I’ve always been pretty independent when it comes to learning. It seems like a really innovative way to learn and I don’t understand how it’s not more popular. I went into research on it, and if you feel like it’s for you then check out this website on more details.

For First Years who have registration coming up here are some tips!

  1. Make a lot of worklists! Different scenarios because you don’t know if certain courses will get filled up and so on
  2. Make sure to explore this site a lot! Know it well, and also make sure you are in the right tab on the left, so Winter session, not summer.
  3. In terms of electives, once you have a couple your interested in, go look up the course website for more details
  4. If you dont have an early registration date, then make sure to keep checking the website every now and then because certain courses may be filled
  5. Make sure to take courses right for your intended specialization to your best ability. From Here you can choose your faculty, and see courses for your intended major.



June 2011

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