
Hey guys,

This will be a short entry, I want a break from studying for my Biol 201 Midterm.  It’s like an “exam,” its 35% and 2 hours long..and I haven’t kept up, so I am just taking the next 3 days to ignore every other course…and focus lol.  As for my other classes, well I don’t “go” to chem 205, because it’s actually pointless to me, I’d rather sleep and have the energy to study for the course.  That sounds like such a bad excuse, but this new prof writes on the board so I will go now.  But we got our midterms back, I am fine with my grade.  It’s above average, I wish it was as high as my chem 123 midterm, but that multiple choice… in the long haul, I only lost a few percents, so I’m good.  Micb 202 grade should be out by Friday latest, i feel like I did good, but at UBC you just never know!  I feel like this has been my most chill semester since I’ve been here, like I sleep more, eat more, chill  This new major is what I needed!  Freedom!  I’m hoping to pull my average up like 15% from last semester (it was that bad…) and it’s veryy possible with my elective.

I took my Eosc midterm last night, so annoying.  I didn’t read till the day before (WHY!) and it’s online but clearly I didn’t know my stuff well enough.  I got a B, and thats fine, it’s just one of those classes you know damn well you could get an A.  My first midterm went too well, and I figured this one would too, this just goes to show, ALWAYS BE SCARED.  AlWAYS think you’ll fail, that way you prepare for the worst, and you’ll be prepared.  So, I want to stop being comfortable, I should hang up my Bio 204 midterm from last semester in my room as motivation of what can happen if you get comfortable lol. 🙂  Back to Biol 201 studying ! -_-



February 2012

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