Update + ER Scribe FAQ

It has been so long since I blogged, I realize I tend to blog when I want a little rant and I haven’t had any rant moments this summer.  But I have got a lot of emails about the ER Scribe job I currently have so I’ll answer all of those, but give a quick UBC update.  So I have pretty much finalized with myself, because I am such an indecisive person which is why I keep changing my mind about majors!  I just want something doable, yet something that interests me.  If you’ve read my blog for a while now, you know I was biology, then I transitioned into CMS and then I debated CMS and Integrated Sciences.  I really liked my transition between biology to CMS because of the flexibility.  Biology is a great program and suits some people, but it doesn’t suit me.  CMS and Integrated Sciences offers the flexibility I want, and is a smaller program which is always good.  So I pretty much decided this summer that Integrated Sciences was for me, and I started off wanting to Integrate Microbiology & Immunology and Physiology.  But it seemed too heavy for me, and didn’t really capture what I want to do in the future. 

I want to go to medical school,  and I’d also like to go to third-world countries at some point and do relief work and help with the health in different communities….all I know is at some point I want to go to probably Africa and help with the nutrition, vaccinations, and techniques to limit disease.  Based on all of this, I finally decided that an Integrated Sciences major tying Nutrional Sciences and Microbiology would be optimal for me.  I haven’t had my complete application approved yet, apparently its a long process…but a process I’m willing to deal with because I really want to do this major.  For the major you have to pretty much set up a plan, course by course, fitting in all of the Faculty of Science requirements as well as Integrated science requirements, and this part is what took me the longest.  Based on my plan it looks like I’ll be done at UBC December 2014 instead of June 2014, only because certain courses were only available first semester and I can’t do it second semester and be done June 2014.  It’s things like that, that made the planning such a hassle, I think if I’ll be stuck till December I might as well make it an honors degree and add a few credits I’ll have to talk to the advisor about that.  Anyways!  I will be posting my schedule for next year when I’ve finalized it, I should post it within a week.  It may change a little bit if the Insc people dont like some course selections but I’m pretty certain of what I’m taking.  Since MCAT studying didn’t go quite as I planned this summer (that story is for another day) I’m gonna get a little headstart with some courses, especially Phyl 301 which seems like a semi-nightmare. 

Now on to my job.  I started my position as an ER Medical Scribe this summer, and it’s been a really great experience.  I’ve seen so many different patients and cases from mild to quite serious.  I think the coolest thing I’ve seen so far is the doctor stick a tube into a patients chest to reinflate the lung (atleast thats what I think he was doing).  Nonetheless, very cool to see.  One thing I am certain of now is that I’m not grossed out by blood, weird bodily functions, pretty much anything cringe-worthy I’m not grossed out by.  I already kind of knew this, but now I’m certain.  Someone emailed me that my blog came up when they searched ER Scribe Vancouver, which is pretty cool, just goes to show how new this is in Canada.  Also impressed that they were looking it up, as I didn’t know about being an ER scribe until I saw the email from Pre Med Society.  I did a little FAQ below that covers most of the questions I’ve been getting.

1.  How did you find out about the position?
Through pre-med society at UBC.  It’s quite funny to me how everyone and their moms wants to do med school at UBC yet such a small amount of people are part of pre med society.  Anyways, join! 

2.  Where can I get more information about the program?
Well I’m in the first ER scribe program in Canada, so I assume there isn’t much information out there.  Before I had my interview I looked up the job in the states, and it’s pretty much the same duties.  So google!  If better resources for information become available, I’ll definitely put it on here. 

3.  How are the hours?
Well all the scribes have a doctor they primarily work with and you show up when the doctor comes, so that could be a normal morning/day shift, or it could be an evening/night shift.  The night shifts take getting used to, but their actually my favorite because I’m naturally a night person. 

4.  Can I get into the program?
As far as I know there are more doctors wanting scribes, so there likely will be opportunities, look out for it, sorry I can’t give a more specific answer.

5.  What exactly do you do?
I follow my doctor with patient’s chart and write down the past medical history, subjective, and objective (physical exam), as well as a few miscallaneous tasks.

6.  How long is training?
I’m sure this differs, I think I was done training after 6-8 shifts with each shift being 8 hours, somewhere around there.

As for all the people who wanted me to email them with more details, I will be getting to that very soon.  Also, apparently blog squad is going to be featuring only first year bloggers, I’m not sure, but bookmark my blog should that happen 😛  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! 😀

About binta

UBC First year student. :)

12 responses to “Update + ER Scribe FAQ

  1. Yay 😀 Another ISCI 😀

    • Stephanie

      Hi Tyler,

      I work in an ER in Calgary and would like some more information about the scribe position at UBC. I have also replied to Binta. Any information would be helpful. We are considering starting the scribe program at the hospital where I work. Please email me directly if you would like to provide more information.

      Thanks for your time,


  2. Jessica

    Hey Binta,

    Im currently going into second year (biology) and I was wondering how were you able to switch into integrated sciences. I saw that you never took biology 230 or 234 which are requirements for being promoted into 3rd year biology. Were you worried at any point about not successfully switching into integrated sciences and knowing you don’t have all the promotional requirements for 3rd year biology. I’m just worried about how difficult it is to switch into integrated sciences..
    At the moment I’m really want to switch out of biology before the winter term (1) starts.Do you know anyone who’s done that before or is that even possible?

    Thanks, I’m looking forward to your reply 🙂

  3. Stephanie

    Hi Binta,

    I work in an ER in Calgary and am looking into starting a scribe program at our hospital. We have concerns with liabilty, legality and workers compensation concerns around the scribe job decsription. I was hoping you would reply to me directly if you had a moment to discuss the position further or if you would prefer, forward me to whoever hired you. Any information would be greatly appreciated as you are a valuable asset right now!

    Thanks for your time,


  4. Jay

    Hi Binta!

    I enjoy reading your blog and about your progress throughout the school years. Really gives me something to think about too! I am really interested in learning more about the ER Scribe job that you were talking about and would greatly appreciate it if you could email me some more info about it 🙂

    Thanks a bunch!

  5. Sue

    Hi Binta,

    I’ve been creeping on your blog since my first year at UBC, and I always enjoy reading about your experiences. (I’m an ISCI major studying physiology and microbiology.) I was wondering if you would be able to email me some information about the ER Scribe program, for example, how many hours you work per week, how to apply, etc. Hope to hear from you soon, and good luck this semester.

  6. Chanel

    Hi Binta 🙂

    I realize this post is several years old, but I am really interested in learning more about the ER Scribe job you have (had?) – could you possibly email me some details or a contact for where I could get more info? I would greatly appreciate that!

  7. Michelle


    I know this is from a while back now but I’m entering into Second year at UBC next year and I was very interested in your ER Scribe job as a possible summer job for next year. Are you still perhaps in contact with anyone that could direct me more questions on how to get this position as well or do you know where I could possibly apply for it? Feel free to email me back instead if it’s too long of a reply.


  8. Kiki


    Can you please tell me where you got the training for the medical scribe position?


  9. Gursimran

    Hi Binta,

    I am interested in learning more about the medical scribe position, particularly the application process (eg. how to apply, further contacts) and the facilities where the medical scribe position is available. I would gratefully appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

  10. Nicky

    Hi Binta,

    I know it has been a while since you’ve updated your blog, but I was wondering where did you volunteer as an ER scribe? There does not appear to be any current volunteer opportunities for this position in Vancouver. Please let me know, thanks!

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