Daylight saving time and post timestamp
Is your blog not in sync with your local time setting? Here is the instruction on how to configure daylight saving time on your blog. Click on the Settings tab and that will bring you to the General Settings page Scroll down until you see Timezone, you will see that it is set to UTC […]
The Search Principle Blog
Dean Giustini is a reference librarian at the University of British Columbia at UBC’s Biomedical Branch Library located at the Vancouver General Hospital.
Bug Blog
A blog trying to answer the important question of how microbes rule the world.
Where The Blog Has No Name
A blog by E. Wayne Ross, a Professor at the Faculty of Education.
Andean Democracy Research Network
Andean Democracy Research Network is a pilot project funding by the Glyn Berry Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada. Their purpose is to report on the state of democracy in Latin America, particularly the Andean sub-region.