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WordPress 6.6.2

UBC Blogs has been updated to run WordPress version 6.6.2.

New themes available on UBC Blogs.

Additional 20 WordPress themes that have been added to our platform and they are now available to site administrators on UBC Blogs. Including: Simple Life Obulma Reykjavik Receptar Zooey Koji Kanso Coldbox Greyd WP Catch Box Chosen Modern Drop Period Michelle Founder Cele Shift Simone Unlimited CTLT WordPress Team

WordPress 6.5.5

UBC Blogs has been updated to run WordPress 6.5.5.

WordPress 6.5.3

UBC Blogs has been updated to WordPress version 6.5.3.

WordPress 6.5.2

UBC Blogs has been updated to WordPress 6.5.2.

WordPress 6.4.3

UBC Blogs has been updated to WordPress version 6.4.3