- My review of Edcamp Leadership BC… http://t.co/xDQ1cjD0 @gallit_z @EdcampLdrBC 23:05:40, 2012-12-01
- Found out my research project at the @CDCofBC has a website: http://t.co/rVzseMqi …why didn't I know this before XD 21:39:18, 2012-12-01
- Mmmm, fish and chips so good! Too much food! 19:44:34, 2012-12-01
- 10 Piece Cod and Chips at Mr. Pickwick's with @kcskou and Khanh http://t.co/GGKHQGmy 19:24:48, 2012-12-01

Always good fish and chips

made it just in time–they closed
early due to it being a super slow day
- Vegetable Pho was good. I think @Cloverfieldm enjoyed her tofu spring rolls and @kcskou his rare beef pho as well. Perhaps XL was too big… 13:43:30, 2012-12-01
- Pho Rau Cai XL at Pho Tan … so big http://t.co/tqYetD0w 12:39:09, 2012-12-01
- At Pho Tan with @kcskou and @Cloverfieldm … vegetarian option ftw! 12:21:46, 2012-12-01
- Sometimes quantification can be dangerous… – http://t.co/c2GuFSc6 10:00:04, 2012-12-01
- Some neat tricks here to deal with annoying things in the kitchen
– http://t.co/avdxxD68 09:56:30, 2012-12-01
The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-01 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.