Introduction and How I Came to Be Here

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As I move into another semester studying “sustainability”, I am again asked to define it. I have spent a handful hours brooding over the meaning of this word – not only what it means to me personally, but what it means to society, our future, business, and many other facets. This definition is ever changing for myself, yet the common thread has been upholding future generations. I was privileged to be raised in a manner that exposed me to a multitude of outdoor activities that lead to my subsequent obsession with nature and for its preservation and access for my (selfish) continuation of these outdoor pursuits. So, when I began thinking about business school, I almost wrote it off – wanting to put my resources into becoming a guide, spending my days doing the activities that I love. This changed when I realized the power that corporations hold within society, and their abilities to lobby governments to create positive policies and regulations. This sounds all good and well, however, I believe that genuinely “doing good” can only come from building your business from the ground up with a clearly defined values and mission statement at the foundation. In this way, there will be no discrepancy or questioning when people of the organization need to make a decision. This relates to Michael Porter’s Creating Shared Value article that compares this mode of business thinking to the traditional, CSR, or Corporate Social Responsibility. While CSR certainly has its place in business, especially in those businesses that are so large that to completely reassemble its values would be insurmountable. This is based on the thought that doing something is better than nothing at all, even though we are quick to dismiss these efforts as un-genuine and greenwashing. As a person budding into the world of business I look forward to the excitement that I feel is the future of the world. I look forward to further enriching my learning and diversifying my perspectives in this class!