A note about language

The first few posts I make on here might be pretty formal in terms of language/diction–that’s mainly due to the fact that I want to be very clear with what my ideas are for this blog, and to lay down the groundwork for my ideas surrounding my niche. I want to be precise about the things I talk about here, and I find that it’s a lot easier to be precise with more formal language. As I get more comfortable with my  topic/define my ideas more, I should start sounding more like a real person and less like an academic essay.

Actual content should be up by friday!


Hello guys! Welcome to my blog, in which I am going to talk about the mainstream beauty standards in Eastern Asia (specifically Korea, China and Japan) compared to the beauty standards in the Western world (specifically the US, UK and Canada). If I have enough time/resources, I would also like to talk about the effects the discrepancies between these two cultures’ standards of beauty has on immigrants, but I don’t quite know if I am going to be able to cover that much material. I would rather go more in-depth on a single specific issue than cover a whole bunch of issues very briefly.


The main goal of this blog is to look at the differences not only between the Western world and Eastern Asia view beauty, but the different standards of beauty held within Eastern Asian cultures. I want to avoid lumping China, Japan and Korea into one large singular entity, and instead recognize them as independent societies/cultures. In short, I would like to compare and contrast the mainstream conceptions of beauty held by each culture.

I should have some links posted tomorrow or saturday, but I wanted to keep this intro post separate from them just for organizations sake.

Thanks for reading!


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