Diligence : when I do something hard and difficult to deal with, I prepare and more try to solve it in advance.
I think diligent people can achieve everything they want to do.
Leadership : I tend to get along with people and i enjoy representing some of groups.
Professionalism : I try to be professional person when I do something like learning and studying. When it comes to Professionalism, the people who are professional enjoy their works even if it’s very hard work.
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What I want to say today is about my career. In our life, we have experienced many things. Sometime some of the experiences influence on our skills and personality .even the experience is not good on you. We can have a variety of motivation though those experiences. From now I hope you can find your skills and this presentation help you find your potential skills.
First, I’d like to say the moment which changed my life. I have a question for you. Do you think which thing can change your life?
I want to say ‘choice’ can change your life. we meet many situations we have to decide and have a choice in our life. Sometime that moment is too fast or sometime we have enough time to think of it. and one more question, did you have good choice during your life?
Let me tell you my story. When I was young, I was afriad of standing in front of people. So when I stood in front of people, I shook my hands and I had buffering when I spoke. The moment can change my life came to me when I was in high school.
In high school, the first year students should have at least one club. The way we choose club is , teacher calls the name of clubs first and then we raise hand when we hear the club we want. There were many clubs like soccer, movie, art, picture etc. at that time, there wasn’t any thing I want to do. But when I heard broadcasting club, I thought I want to do. I really wanted to raise my hand but I couldn’t. I didn’t have a confidence can raise my hand. Also anybody didn’t raise hand. It took 10 sec. I don’t know how to raise my hand when I think now. I raised my hand. That moment was first moment change my life.
While I was working in broadcasting club, I had to stand in front of people, and announce, test microphone. And during school festival, I took on important part in broadcast festival. That club experience helped me become a confident person and also I can enjoy standing in front of people after then.
If I didn’t raise my hand at that moment, I couldn’t be confident person and standing in front of people could be very difficult thing to me. Just 10 sec , raising hand up changed my life. as you heard about my story changing your life is very simple.
I consider confidence is one of the most important things in my life. I was able to go my university and Australia , Vancouver though my confidence.
In conclusion, As my story, the moment comes to us without realizing it. So every choice is very important. But don’t be scary of having a choice. The choice would be your best choice later on in your life.
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The title of my talk is ‘Hangul’
That is what korean use a written language. Easily korean alphabet.
Today I’ll be talking about hangul. Because Hangul is language of my country. I heard that hangul is very scientific and creative. I’ve wanted to know about hangul for a long time. After reading this post I expect you to realize a few knowledge in hangul and I want you to be interested in hangul.
let’s start with some stories about hangul. oxford university in england evaluated lots of main languages around 30 countries about rationality , creative and scientific. as a result , hangul was top of many languages.
here is another story. some people call hangul is ‘ a day language ‘ because you can learn hangul just in a day. due to that reason, surprisingly illiteracy rate of korea is nearly zero percent.
Now let me tell you ‘history of hangul’ hangul is made by king sejong in 1446.
and first published hangul book called ‘ Hunminjeongeum ‘ was designated a world heritage of UNESCO in 1997. hangul is the only language that we can know ‘ who made hangul and when was made and what Is principle which was made. there is no anywhere like this language.

don’t you think it is time to learn how to make words with hangul. Korean words consist of an initial consonant and a vowel or sometimes a consonant placed under a vowel. when we make a word , we generally use 19 consonants , 21 vowels .
for example , 안녕 means ‘hello’ when we make a this, ㅇ + ㅏ + ㄴ = 안 and ㄴ + ㅕ + ㅇ = 녕 we write like this. and can you divide ‘ 사랑해‘ ?
I want you to know just how hangul looks ike.
Finally I’d like to say hangul’s sound . when you read a english word , you can feel it is a little hard because that sound is different according to word. for example alphabet ‘A’ can be sounded as /[a]/, [eo ]/, /[ei]/, /[æ]/ . but hangul is always same sound . so some foreigners who learn korean feel easy. but as you know the more you keep learning another language, the more you feel hard.
I want you to understand and have a little knowledge about hangul.

posted by bk.CHOI
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