Boston “Vancouver” Pizza

After coming accross many people posting this link on Facebook, Boston \”Vancouver\” Pizza, I thought it would be fitting especially as the Canucks 1st game is this Wednesday. For non-hockey fans (I’m not sure if that’s even possible with the state of craziness Vancouver is in right now), our Vancouver Canucks are playing the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup Finals. It is our first appearence in the Finals since 1994, and for a hockey hub like Vancouver it has been quite a LONG wait for another shot at winning the Cup.

Boston Pizza is a partner of the Vancouver Canucks and their pizza is offered at concessions inside Rogers Arena. Since Boston won the Eastern Conference Finals, Boston Pizza has taken an interesting marketing technique and has changed their name in British Columbia to Boston Vancouver Pizza. They also visibly state they are “proud fans of the Vancouver Canucks”. Due to Vancouver being in a hockey frenzy, I think this technique is not only comical but also very useful. Being a consumer, it definately got a positive reaction out of me. I felt a stronger connection to Boston Pizza and the fact that they support Vancouver Canucks makes me want to eat their pizza over other companies.

Although Boston making it into the finals could have had a negative affect on Boston Pizza’s business, they spun this into a positive marketing strategy. They now have a competitive advantage over other pizza companies, and die hard hockey fans may even relate to them more after they showed their support for the Vancouver Canucks. As our city keeps buzzing in a Vancouver Canucks frenzy, I will definately be eating my Boston Vancouver Pizza come game time!

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1 Response to Boston “Vancouver” Pizza

  1. Tamar says:

    I love this tactic, too. And other companies are starting to follow suit: I stopped at Tim Horton’s for a Boston Creme donut last night, and they cheerfully told me that they didn’t have any “Boston” Cremes but did have some identical donuts called “Vancouver Cremes”. 🙂 It had less of an impact after having been done by Boston Pizza, but still a nice touch from the consumer perspective.

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