Riots in Vancouver

To all of my blog readers,

Last night I had the privilege of being at game 7, trying to witness history.

Unfortunately, our beloved Canucks lost 4-0. At the end of the day, Boston did deserve to win this series and were the best team on the ice when it counted the most. However as most of you probably have seen or read in the news, the aftermath of yesterday’s game was absolutely horrendours. Riots ensued in Vancouver for hours and it portrayed our city in a horrible manner. Being a city which counts on tourism, this definately had a negative affect on our marketability as people from around the world caught these riots on T.V. or via internet. Our city got portrayed as being filled with the scum of the earth, and our city’s reputation could have been seriously hurt.

Some may think these events had no way of becoming positive, but what happened the next morning was truely remarkable. Hundreds upon hundreds of Vancouver residents sacrificed their own time and energy to help clean up OUR city. (Those rioters have no business being associated with us, and all of them should rot in jail…Sorry for being so blunt) There are many pictures circulating the web and it is truely amazing at how our city rallied around these riots to show the world we do have character. Instead of one night of madness affecting so many areas of business around Vancouver, certain individuals may have salvaged our reputation. Some people may view Vancouver as “dangerous” or not a place they would want to visit anymore, but throughout the day our city has been portrayed in an amazing way…the way we should be thought of.

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