Category Archives: Uncategorized

Riots in Vancouver

To all of my blog readers, Last night I had the privilege of being at game 7, trying to witness history. Unfortunately, our beloved Canucks lost 4-0. At the end of the day, Boston did deserve to win this series and were … Continue reading

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RE: Consumers Aren’t Swayed by Celebrity Endorsement

After reading this blog, Celebrity Endorsements Study, on BrandChannel I was very intrigued at the results they got. The main point of the research is that only 4% of consumers will buy a product if a celebrity endorses it. I … Continue reading

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Re: Humour in Marketing

In response to another interesting blog written by fellow classmate Khalil, Humour in Marketing, I want to discuss the different effects commercials can have on consumers. After watching this commercial for Alexandre Keiths, I agree with what Khalil says on … Continue reading

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Boston “Vancouver” Pizza

After coming accross many people posting this link on Facebook, Boston \”Vancouver\” Pizza, I thought it would be fitting especially as the Canucks 1st game is this Wednesday. For non-hockey fans (I’m not sure if that’s even possible with the state … Continue reading

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Re: Pre-Sale Condos

Khalil\’s Blog on Pre-Sale Condos After finally getting my blog registered (I have no idea why I didn’t work the first time), I had the privilege of reading a fellow classmates. I thought the topic Khalil discussed was very interesting. … Continue reading

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Starbuck’s Logo Change

I thought it would be fitting to discuss the logo change of Starbucks as they were my team’s choice of business for our 1st marketing assignment. Being an avid coffee drinker I was quite intrigued when looking at how Starbucks … Continue reading

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Electronic Mcdonalds?? While going through the news today, I came across a very interesting article. McDonalds restaurants in Europe are trying to take away face to face communication to speed up their serving process. Essentially they will have no people working at … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Life Lesson

The greatest lesson I have learnt in my life is “Go Big or Go Home”. Essentially what this means is that if you want to do something correct, you have to invest all of your time into it. There is … Continue reading

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