Brittany Smith's Blog

Notification: Your Dad would like to add you as a Friend

January 19th, 2011 · No Comments


It has become more and more apparent that there is no age limit to joining social networking sites such as Facebook.  Recent data shows that the fastest growing user segment on Facebook is women aged 55-65 years old. Furthermore, according to the article Parents of Young Children Prime for Social Marketing”

More than 60% of adults with kids of any age living at home used Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, vs. 51.3% of all adults, and the parents of young children were especially avid users.

This data has huge implications for marketers who are considering using social media as a media platform for advertising.  It is trite and obvious that the consumers life stage (not demographics) influence their presence on these popular networking sites.  This growing trend of young parents, with children under 6, being the most active signifies that Facebook is not just for teenagers anymore. Therefore, marketers should recognize this new statistic when designing their online campaigns for this specific target market.  The segment of young parents is potentially very profitable since

They represent a group more likely than average to make many big-ticket, family-oriented purchases, such as cars, video cameras, PCs, large appliances or a new home

Social networking sites are a great opportunity for marketers who are trying to target consumers in this specific life stage.

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