Pinterest: Growth Leads to New Marketing Strategies

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Pinterest is a website that allows users to organize, collect and share images of their favourite meals, activities, events, clothing and much more. This new form of social networking has been growing in popularity over the years. It is actually “the fastest-growing platform for online content sharing.”1

In a Wall Street Journal blog, Spencer Ante was evaluating whether Pinterest was really worth $3.8 billion considering the company is, in fact, only four years old. The site has recently begun experimenting with advertisements as a source of revenue. Ante said that the idea for Pinterest was to be like a visual version of Google.2 The website also allows businesses to add a “Pin It” button to their websites.3 Using this feature can enable businesses to reach consumers through a whole new channel and further market their company.

Figure 2

After reading this blog and other articles alike, I can agree that Pinterest is a growing force in the online media industry. Businesses should be aware of sites other than the obvious Facebook and Twitter for their social media advertising. It is sites like Pinterest that are becoming the new trend and will be a great source of strictly visual marketing strategies.



1: Griswold, Alison. “Pinterest Is Now The Fastest Growing Content-Sharing Platform.” Business Insider. N.p., 05 Nov. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

2 (External Blog): Ante, Spencer E. “Pinterest Valuation Is Reasonable, Compared to Some Business Tech Companies.” Web log post. The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

3: “Pinterest Becomes Effective Marketing Tool » Local News » Goshen News, Goshen, IN.” Goshen News. N.p., 27 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

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