
How to edit this page: Click the “Edit Page” button at the top of the screen, then follow the steps outlined hereĀ to change the contents of this page.

What to write:

Include a 100-200 word statement with your name, your major & minor, your expected degree and year of graduation, and any other information you think is appropriate. For example:

– What city and province or country do you come from? Are you an international student?

– Have you participated in any UBC programs (e.g.: Co-op, Study Abroad, CCEL, Honours, Interdisciplinary programs)?

– What languages do you speak?

– What do you like about your major? Why did you choose your major?

– What skills, experiences, or personal qualities do you draw on in your studies?

– What is your career goal? What makes you especially well-suited for this career?

What to post:

This page will probably be fairly static. Aim to review it once or twice a hear to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.


If you wish to include a professional looking portrait of yourself, you may, but it isn’t necessary, because your appearance doesn’t determine your academic or professional capabilities. Many students choose instead to include an image of their work.

The best images are ones that you’ve created–your own photographs or your own drawings. If you didn’t create the image yourself, ensure that your use of the image is legal.

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