The Review of Student Blog “Elastronics: The Future of Electronic Industry”.

Elastronics: the future of Electronic industry

In the blog “Elastronics: The Future of Electronic Industry”, the author applied two class concepts onto his arguments: McGrath’s Transient Advantage Theory and SWOT Analysis. The author identifies that the “elastronics” industry is not severely competitive because it is newly invented, and very technically demanding.

Another class concept used to build on the argument could be the Positioning Map. On a positioning map which has the x-axis indicated the technology level, and the y-axis indicated the potential of growth, the “elastronics” would be placed on the area where the level of technology is high and the potential growth is also high. Therefore,  it can be difficult for small tech companies move to the industry of electronics because it requires huge investment and human resources.   

In addition, the blog concerns about the various applications of “elastronics” (stretchable electronics) in the fields such as health care. For instance, the stretchability of “elastronics” allows scientists to design customized sensors to monitor the body conditions of a patient. Meanwhile, the author also mentions Elastronics application on wearable technology.

Based on my research, I have discovered more ways of using “elastronics”. First, “elastronics” can be used in AI (artificial intelligence) industry; today, the human-like robot is still constructed by assembling different kinds of rigid electronics. Imagine that if “elastronics” are applied to the production of robots; the robots can function more efficiently than they do today’s; their body will react much faster and smoother than before as their weight gets much lighter. In addition, there will be less energy waste due to the high efficiency of heat dissipation of the “elastronics”.

Another application of Elastronicsis for education. Connecting with wearable technology, “elastronics” will provide a more efficient learning experience for students. “elastronics” enables manufacturers to build more comfortable wearable technology for students; for example, virtual reality company can design their goggles to be more flexible and soft for students to use for the long-distance course.

While the benefits of “elastronics” are obvious, there are still many unknown facts about “elastronics”. First one would be the environmental issue; the main material used to produce Elastronicsis silicon. As more silicon is consumed, in cities without a proper silicon recycling standard, the mass production of “elastronics” might be harmful to the environment. Second, in the use of medical care,” elastronics” has to be human-friendly; due to the complexity of our body structure, the “elastronics” will be very material demanding since different parts of our body require different materials. Lastly, the development of “elastronics” will have a huge impact on the traditional electronics industry; therefore, tech companies should get ready to face the challenges and opportunities brought by “elastronics” industry.

(word count 441)



Elastronics: the future of Electronic industry | BowenZhang’s Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2017, from

Ghaffarzadeh, D. K. (2017, June 08). Stretchable electronics: near term commercial success stories | IDTechEx Research Article. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from

Mechanics of Materials. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2017, from


3D printed stretchable electronics may be here to stay. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2017, from

Why China’s tech giants are better suited to Saudi Arabia than Google and Facebook

Saudi Arabia needs a technology company which enables its people to access internet more easily on a daily basis. Obviously, Google, Facebook, and Tencent are the top three picks for Saudi Arabia. Tencent won the race due to its unique comparative advantages: the ability to deal with government relationships.

Located in mainland China, Tencent owns more than half of the market; QQ, one of Tencent’s products, is rated as the most Convenience and commonly used chatting tool in China. While the software of Tencent is generating huge profit for the company, Tencent also aware that how it is interacting with the government. In fact, Tencent has developed a team to deal with the relationship with the government.

Like Tencent, thousands of large corporations and small businesses are working closely with the government. “Being in loved with the government, but not marry them,” said Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group. In short, due to political reasons, the companies located in countries where the government has the control power of the economy such as China, India and Saudi Arabia, usually have the soft skills to make the government happy.

Saudi Arabia picked Tencent due to the following reasons:

Firstly, Tencent has the experience of creating job opportunities. It helped the chinese government to lower the unemployment rate. Second, Tencent owns a software called QQ Pay; like Paypal, QQ Pay processes many transactions every day. It is an easy payment method which speeds up the cash flow, and it really helps on promoting economic growth for a country. Third, Tencent is capable of helping a nation in many aspects. Tencent is not just a software company; it also provides the government with assistance in the fields such as medical care and military. Lastly, as the largest leading provider of Internet value-added services, Tencent represents China to engage with Saudi Arabia. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has developed an important friendship with China in terms of business, tourism, and military. Therefore, by accepting Tencent, Saudi Arabia strategically maintains its relationship with China.

Looking back at Google and Facebook, we easily discover that both of them operating under a country of capitalism. In comparison to the companies such as Tencent and Alibaba, Google and Facebook appear to be not acquainted in dealing relationships with government. Note that Tencent and Alibaba located where the government has a great control of the market. In fact, Tencent, Google, and Facebook function the same for Saudi Arabia. However, it is like making friends, Tencent’s personality fits Saudi Arabia better, or in fact, it fits the government better.


(word count 432)



 Crabtree, J. (2017, October 27). Why China’s tech giants are better suited to Saudi Arabia than Google and Facebook. Retrieved October 28, 2017, from

 Ross, S. (2017, August 17). Is the United States considered a Market Economy or a Mixed Economy? Retrieved October 28, 2017, from

Why Sears Canada failed?




Sears Canada, one of the largest retail companies in Canada, has received the permission from the Ontario Superior Court to proceed with its liquidation. Sears Canada has announced that all of its 130 remaining stores across Canada, which includes 74 Sears stores, eight Sears Home stores, and 49 Sears Hometown stores, will be closed soon. As a result of Sears Canada’s failure, 12000 people will become unemployed

Insight: Why Sears Canada failed?

Reason #1: Clarity

What is Sears? What does Sears actually sell?

When I first walked into a Sears store in 2014, I have felt a sense of inclarity. I saw all sorts of merchandise in Sears; they do not only sell fashion product, bedding, furniture and kitchen appliances, they also sell outdoor tools and kids product. Sears left me with an impression of a brand that only focuses on quantity but quality. Sears does not have a clear value proposition that distinguishes it from others. When we think of buying electronics, we think of Best Buy; when we think of home appliances; we think of Home Depot. What leads us to think of Sears? Apparently, nothing.

Reason #2: Customer Experience

Inside Sears, the shopping experience is boring and unsatisfied. I barely saw Sears’ employees assisting customers in making their choices. “They schedule a furniture delivery then don’t deliver”(2017, T)  said Rebecca, an unsatisfied customer. When Sears does not meet the commitment, it is losing its customer loyalty and trust.

Reason #3: Competition vs The “Lack of s”

Free market teaches us mechanism for selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior. People are talking about that e-commerce killed Sears. In fact, what truly killed Sears is itself: the lack of innovation, creativity and management. Before Amazon, Sears was the first company to approach e-commerce in 1998, but it soon lacked in innovation in doing so. Creative product designs arise every day from small businesses; it has been so many years that we have not been heard of any creative move from Sears. The C.E.O of Sears was changed for three times in the last few years. However, each of them has failed to reconstruct the company.



First, according to the principle of Business Model Canvas, the first step in establishing a successful business is to have a clear, specific value proposition.

Second, a successful business always places the customer experience in the first place; a business should always be aware of the message they delivered through their products and services.

Third, to succeed in the market in the long run, a business should be innovated and creative. The business world is moving forward at a rapid pace; anything that falls behind will be abandoned.       

(word count 449)



Press, T. C. (2017, October 13). Small cities and their malls brace for pending Sears store closures. Retrieved October 14, 2017, from

Sears Canada Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2017, from

Slip on this style Optez pour ce style. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2017, from

(2017, March 23). Retrieved October 14, 2017, from

Is Water Really Bad for Your Health?


Click the link below for the news:



Recently, the Gatorade Company was accused of misleading the public by making disparaging comment on drinking water through its video game “Bolt!”. In “Bolt”, there is an image which displaces “keep your performance level high by avoiding water”. Xavier Becerra, the Attorney General of the California State, said in a statement: “Making misleading statements is a violation of California law. But making misleading statements aimed at our children is beyond unlawful.” (2017, Sep) Beside public critic and worse public image, the company will also receive a fine of thirty thousand dollars for its behavior.


True Intention:

Why does the Gatorade Company use the “Bolt!” as the tool to promote its sales rather than using anything else? It is critical to think outside of the box.

The target market is the first thing Gatorade looks at; according to the presentation, about 73% of players came from the company’s target demographic of 13 to 24 years old (Jen, Fri September 22, 2017). As a matter of fact, young players with an immature mind are more easily affected by the false signals and information from media platforms, such as television programs and video games.

The second thing Gatorade considers is the range of the impact; the game started to grow in its popularity since it was published; and now, more than 2.3 million people downloaded the game, which was played 87 million times. (Manning Gottlieb OMD, 2013) Among such a large population, there are a certain amount of people who are addicted to the game. Definitely, addiction can make people to think irrationally. The third reason behind the scene is about psychological behavior. When people are entertained and relaxed, their minds can be twisted more easily.



Both companies have failed, but Coca Cola did a better job. In 2015, the Coca Cola inc donated $1M to an obesity research centre to create a better brand image. However, the research centre embarrassed Coca Cola by returning the donation. The original goal of Coca Cola was to deliver a false message to customers: Coca Cola supports obesity research; therefore, Coke does not cause obesity. Both Coca Cola and Gatorade are greedy for having more sales; Coca Cola has done a better job because at least it did it positively through donation, while Gatorade just claimed “water is bad” on its game.

There are so many examples of how companies can mislead the public. As rational customers, we should gain awareness, and make smart decisions on the foods and beverages we intake. Meanwhile, a business should always be responsible for its behavior. Obeying business ethics is a key to succeed in the long-run.

(Word Count: 438)


Citation and Reference:

Christensen, J. (2017, September 22). Gatorade punished for dissing water. Retrieved September 27, 2017, from

Ronayne, K. (2017, September 22). California pours cold water on Gatorade videogame. Retrieved September 27, 2017, from

Business Ethics Within a Small Restaurant

(Lake, A. , 2016, October 16)

Click the link below:


        The public health, the environment and the relationship with the neighbors are three main factors considered by the owner of the Silo, Dough Macmaster. Clearly, he provides us with an example of how business ethics are performed. He cares about the public health prior to any other factors; rather than purchasing cheap white wine locally, Mr. Macmaster has decided to import wine from Europe. Even though he met with a lot of disapproval on his decision, he is dedicated to demonstrating his care towards the quality of Silo’s foods and beverages. “At least 99% of what we buy will go into our customers’ bellies”, proudly said by Mr. Macmaster; for the sake of a sustainable environment, he has improved on the restaurant’s efficiency based on clients’ needs. Furthermore, Mr.Macmaster decides to share every day’s waste with several other local shops; by doing so, he builds up a good relationship between the community and his restaurant; he also reinforced the idea of sustainability with other regional business by sharing.


         “They are capable of being extremely farsighted and clear-headed in matters that is internal to their businesses. They are incredibly shortsighted and muddleheaded in matters that are outside their businesses but affect the possible survival of business in general.”

-Friedman, M. (2010).  (citation “text”) 


        Being a profit-seeker without looking into the outside of the business is shortsighted. As always, a executive with the understanding on business ethics will help a firm to succeed in the long run. The environment, public health and community are are all supposed to be taken into consideration by firms when making a decision that might have a potential impact on the surroundings. It is believed that helping the surrounding, and performing business ethics will result in a positive impact on not only the firm itself but also the free market.

        Another short example which clearly states the importance of business ethics is demonstrated by Jack Ma, the founder of the Alibaba Group. With the goal of providing an online platform that supports small business to sell products and service, Jack Ma has helped the government by creating millions of job opportunities in China. He is not just a profit-seeker. He is an entrepreneur with the deep understanding of business ethics. Therefore, he is farsighted on how business ethics will have a potential influence on the growth of his business in the long run.

        Back to the article. Mr. Macmaster, an executive of his business, has a perception towards business ethics. From picking coffee beans to white wine, from reducing the waste to sharing it with his neighbourhood, Mr.Macmaster is unafraid; he is unafraid about that the firm not gaining a profit in the short-run, unafraid of people’s disapproval and judgments, and unafraid to talk to the public about the brands and the price quality of supplies they use. As a matter of fact, Mr. Macmaster and his team have the mentality that allows them to grow their firm consistently and positively.

 Citation in APA:

Image: Lake, A. (2016, October 16). [Douglas McMaster, chef-owner of Silo, Brighton.]. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

 Text: Friedman, M. (2010). The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits. In Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance (1st ed.). Retrieved September 12, 2017, from

Article: Fox, K. (2016, October 16). OFM Awards 2016 best ethical restaurant: Silo. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from




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