RIM’s Last Stand

RIM is often the prime example teachers and students use on a regular basis for all negatively related business problems. As regular citizens in the Western world, the vast majority of us have probably categorized RIM (based on negative commerce perceptions) to be a bad choice for a mobile phone. It is that huge bias which is literally destroying RIM, but all is not that it seems in other parts of the world. For example, RIM is actually the number one smart phone choice in the continent of Africa. In Africa, possessing a Blackberry is seen to be a mark of the slightly wealthier, those that are of the educated businessmen sort. The same scenario is also present in most of the world’s emerging markets such as Mexico and Indonesia, where RIM dominates with up to a 60% market share. With that in mind, it would probably not surprise us that roughly 60% of RIM’s current revenue comes from the international market and not the domestic North American market. The article therefore makes an excellent point that the developing world is RIM’s last chance, because they have not been swayed by the general consensus yet. In those countries RIM still has a relatively clean reputation and should take advantage of that and really pour some effort into beefing up their presence to increase their market control.

link to article: http://bit.ly/RNOEvR

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