Re: McDonald’s Loves Your Questions

In response to Alex’s blog on the attempted rebuilding of McDonald’s tarnished reputation, I can only say that I completely agree. Over the years, McDonald’s and the words “unhealthy”, “junk”, etc. have become synonymous to the point that infants are able to switch between them without much thought. Just the thought of simple, delicious, and popular food must be very appealing to many people from all classes and backgrounds. However, the most important thing that McDonald’s has had going for them has been their low price. The incentive of a cheap, filling meal has proven to be overwhelming over the years and has resulted in a lot of popularity with the McDonald’s brand. Unfortunately, the large increase in popularity leads to a lot more attention- the negative kind. McDonald’s has undergone a series of criticism, most significantly noted with what Alex mentioned: Supersize Me, which landed a staggering blow on the company’s image, one that may never be completely fixed. It is high time the company has begun to address these questions, so I strongly agree that McDonald’s new question website is a smart and viable option to resolve the problem. Giving concise and well-detailed answers to break the existing consumer myths is a great idea and will prove effective in helping to rebuild McDonald’s tarnished image.

Link to Alex Jason Chau’s article McDonald’s Loves Your Questions

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