Punished for Revealing the Truth?

For the past month and a half, Apple has kicked up quite a stir with the release of its new line of iPhone’s and iPads. Part of the reason for that frenzy is their new “updated” software with every new release, blowing past benchmarks and speed and performance. Although many of us may wonder how it’s possible to double your speed every time like clockwork, Qualcomm former Chief Marketing Officer tells us exactly how Apple does it – they don’t. Mr. Anand Chandrasekher, has called the new A7 chip  a “marketing gimmick” believing  it to provide “zero benefit” to the consumer. In a world where marketing campaigns of  many companies are under attack for twisting and hiding the truth, shouldn’t a reliable  source be allowed to speak their peace of mind more than anyone? Apple has marketed  this new chip to be “revolutionary” (as it always does) so although having a competitor’s  opinion may be biased, they still have a better knowledge of the industry than the average  Joe’s thoughts. Marketing should be based on true facts and figures, and if Apple gets  called out on it, people shouldn’t be demoted for it.  As consumers, is it really plausible for  something to increase it’s speed  exponentially, so consistently? How “fast”  will it get before it’s too fast? Mr. Chandrasekher has an excellent point about this chip being a marketing gimmick. By falsely advertising the performance levels of Apple’s new products (either by completely false numbers or manipulated tests), Apple is betraying the trust it’s loyal consumer’s have for the technological giant. Although people may not necessarily be glorified for making such serious accusations, demotion is a bit of a shock in terms of responding to such an incident. More importantly, Qualcomm is actually a competitor to Apple now, so it makes even less sense as to why they would punish an executive for criticizing the opponents.

source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57609038-37/after-apple-64-bit-a7-criticism-qualcomm-exec-reassigned/

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