To What Extent is Social Media Propelling Marketing Careers?

In a recent article written by Marketing Manager EMEA Joel Windels, I have been really surprised by his revelation of how much social media actually prevails in professional life. I am sure many of us are familiar with how much social media is existent within our personal and academic lives, as well as how useful as a tool it is to marketers. However, what shocked me was how nowadays, for professional marketers it really seems like a go-to outlet for new leads. According to Mr. Windels blog, he states that 68% of marketers have created leads from social media, and that more than half of these wily marketers have actually made money that way.Facebook_like_thumb It is a very instructional blog as well though, because it goes over what we have learned in class – targeting customers, their various demographics, identifying their needs, and seeing things from the consumer’s perspective. He then proceeds to tell us that finding lot’s of different methods to market towards consumer’s is highly recommended, but also advises us to cut out ones that don’t seem viable. twitter logoHe closes the blog with another emphasis on quality. With the right methods and the matching market statistics, we can really target the right market. However, these leads should be constantly improved and refined before being handed off to sales – to ensure it gets approved and implemented quickly. This article really put into perspective of how relevant and applicable Comm 296 is. Virtually everything that Mr. Windels said has been covered so far in our course. Moreover, it also throws into perspective of how applicable social media is to the actual business world. Until now, I had no idea that such a vast majority of marketing leads derived from social media. I had always known it was an important marketing tool, but did not know that it was the starting point for nearly 70% of all leads!


link to Mr. Windels blog article:

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