There’s Only One Way to GoPro

December 6th, 2010

If you’ve been following extreme sports over the last year you will have noticed a number of trends. First off, the quality of video edits being produced has increased tenfold, HD, 3D, extreme sports has kept up with the Jones’. Secondly everyone is filming, your friend, your neighbour, that kid across the street. So what’s going on? Did everyone just decide it was time to invest in the cinematographic side of extreme sports a little more? The answer to that question is that the resources became available. Ladies and gentlemen the GoPro HD camera, shoots in 1080p, water proof, drop proof, just shy of bomb proof, and only $300. If 6 of your friends pitch $50 you can afford to film in the highest resolution youtube will support. As a result these camera’s are everywhere, it would be hard to go a day up at the local slopes without seeing one of these and I guarantee this is only the beginning. Check it out for yourself:YouTube Preview Image

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