SPHA 556 Recommended Readings

SPHA 556: Social Determinants of Health

Bate, A., Donaldson, C., & Murtagh, M. J. (2007). Managing to manage healthcare resources in the English NHS? What can health economics teach? What can health economics learn? Health Policy, 84, 249-261. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2007.04.001

Ben-Shlomo, Y., & Kuh, D. (2002). A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology: Conceptual models, empirical challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives. International Journal of Epidemiology, 31(2), 285-293.

Bruce Newbold, K., & Danforth, J. (2003). Health status and Canada’s immigrant population. Social Science & Medicine, 57(10), 1981-1995. doi:10.1016/S0277-9536(03)00064-9

Chandler, M. J., & Lalonde, C. (1998). Cultural continuity as a hedge against suicide in Canada’s First Nations. Transcultural Psychiatry, 35(2), 191-219. doi:10.1177/136346159803500202

van Doorslaer, E., Masseria, C., Koolman, X., & OECD Health Equity Research Group. (2006). Inequalities in access to medical care by income in developed countries. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 174(2), 177-183. doi:10.1503/cmaj.050584

Dunn, J. R., Frohlich, K. L., Ross, N., Curtis, L. J., & Sanmartin, C. (2006). Role of geography in inequalities in health and human development. In J. Heymann, C. Hertzman, M. L. Barber, & R. G. Evans (Eds.), Healthier societies: From analysis to action (pp. 237-263). Oxford University Press US.

Evans, R. G. (1994). Introduction. In R. G. Evans, M. L. Barer, & T. R. Marmor (Eds.), Why are some people healthy and others not? (pp. 3-26). Transaction Publishers.

Evans, R. G., & Stoddart, G. L. (1994). Producing health, consuming health care. In R. G. Evans, M. L. Barer, & T. R. Marmor (Eds.), Why are some people healthy and others not? (pp. 27-66). Transaction Publishers.

Evans, R. G., & Stoddart, G. L. (2003). Consuming research, producing policy? American Journal of Public Health, 93, 371-379.

Graham, H., & Power, C. (2004). Childhood disadvantage and health inequalities: A framework for policy based on lifecourse research. Child: Care, Health and Development, 30(6), 671-678. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2004.00457.x

Hertzman, C., & Irwin, L. G. (2007). It takes a child to raise a community: Population-based measurement of early child development (Research Brief No. #1). Human Early Learning Partnership, University of British Columbia; BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport.

Hertzman, C., Siddiqi, A., Hertzman, E., Irwin, L. G., Vaghri, Z., Houweling, T. A. J., Bell, R., et al. (2010). Bucking the inequality gradient through early child development. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 340, c468.

Hinman, A. R., & Davidson, A. J. (2009). Linking children’s health information systems: Clinical care, public health, emergency medical systems, and schools. Pediatrics, 123 Suppl 2, S67-573. doi:10.1542/peds.2008-1755D

Lahelma, E., Martikainen, P., Laaksonen, M., & Aittomäki, A. (2004). Pathways between socioeconomic determinants of health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 58(4), 327-332. doi:10.1136/jech.2003.011148

Lavis, J. N. (2002). Ideas at the margin or marginalized ideas? Nonmedical determinants of health in Canada. Health Affairs, 21(2), 107-112. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.21.2.107

Marmot, M. (2002). The influence of income on health: Views of an epidemiologist. Health Affairs, 21(2), 31-46. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.21.2.31

Nolte, E., & McKee, C. M. (2008). Measuring the health of nations: Updating an earlier analysis. Health Affairs, 27(1), 58-71. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.27.1.58

Nyberg, A., Alfredsson, L., Theorell, T., Westerlund, H., Vahtera, J., & Kivimäki, M. (2009). Managerial leadership and ischaemic heart disease among employees: The Swedish WOLF study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 66(1), 51-55. doi:10.1136/oem.2008.039362

Rose, G. (1985). Sick individuals and sick populations. International Journal of Epidemiology, 14, 32-38.

Siddiqi, A., & Hertzman, C. (2007). Towards an epidemiological understanding of the effects of long-term institutional changes on population health: A case study of Canada versus the USA. Social Science & Medicine, 64(3), 589-603. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2006.09.034

Siddiqi, A., Kawachi, I., Berkman, L., Subramanian, S. V., & Hertzman, C. (2007). Variation of socioeconomic gradients in children’s developmental health across advanced capitalist societies: Analysis of 22 OECD nations. International Journal of Health Services: Planning, Administration, Evaluation, 37(1), 63-87.

Siegrist, J., & Theorell, T. (2007). Socio-economic position and health: The role of work and employment. In Social inequalities in health: New evidence and policy implications (pp. 72–100). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Stansfeld, S. A. (2006). Social support and social cohesion. In M. G. Marmot & R. G. Wilkinson (Eds.), Social determinants of health (2nd ed., pp. 148-171). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Subramanian, S. V., & Kawachi, I. (2004). Income inequality and health: What have we learned so far? Epidemiologic Reviews, 26(1), 78-91. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxh003

VanLeeuwen, J., Waltner-Toews, D., Abernathy, T., & Smit, B. (1999). Evolving models of human health toward an ecosystem context. Ecosystem Health, 5(3), 204-219. doi:10.1046/j.1526-0992.1999.09931.x

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