An athletic gear company, best known for their yoga gears, Lululemon announced their stocks and the shortage occured in their products. 20 years old, Vancouver based company Lululemon, showed their reports of their sales and revenues. From these reports we can see their increasing both in their stocks & inventories and also in their revenues. According to their reports, Lululemon is increasing their revenues from $186.8 million which was athe last year’s numbers to $285.7 million. We can see that it is a 53% increase, and they only achieved that increase in one year.
On the other hand, Lululemon has failed in their predictions and they had some problems about the amount of products on their shelves. This year, they are increasing the supply of products and now their predictions are also rose up as same as their revenues. After these official reports, Lululemon is considered one of the fastest growing companies in the first quarter of 2012. Now, company is planning to increase their style and innovations on their products. Also, company began to increase their inventories and stocks in order to satisfy their customer demands.
In contrast, company can be described as success in their sales, but in order to not face this issue again, Lululemon has to make some changes in their marketing research & strategy.