Pro-D Day!

I decided to dig into online resources and galleries. The wonderful problem with the internet is that it sucks you into a black hole! I tried to find reliable, local content that I can apply to my teaching practice.

Art at Home: Advice to Parents

I often forget about parents taking on teacher roles during distance learning. Here are some tips provided by this site that I condensed:

you don’t need fancy materials. You can draw on the back of envelopes and food packages.

Create space: Try to not hover, hang back and give your child mental space. Let them go down their own paths.

Feedback: Don’t quickly judge what they’ve made; “Who doesn’t remember someone telling them they can’t sing or can’t draw, and then that person never revisiting that activity as an adult.” Ask them to tell you about it, or try the activity yourself and have a conversation about it.

Quick Drawing Prompts

Mindfulness Prompt Cards 

Download these simple prompt cards to help you make mindful drawings. Suitable for all ages.

A Canadian site that puts together online art resources:

Vancouver Art Gallery

Walk through the Vancouver Art Gallery using “Street View.”

Current exhibition: Douglas Coupland


-Free access

-Quick shortcuts to important works in the thumbnails (with title and artist name)


-Could take a long time for images to download

-The ‘experience’ of the artwork is different (a good inquiry question for students)

-Reflection on glass-frames (hard to see actual artwork)

-Can’t go super up-close to the work

Ideas: Students can choose a virtual gallery to explore and answer questions reflecting on art history.

Capture Photo Fest

To gather future inspiration for photography classes and keep up with the Capture Festival which Argyle students are involved in (Incubator and Chesterfields), I decided to check out the site and explore their current programming.

Social Distancing Portraits

Adad Hannah, Social Distancing Portrait 16 – Kyal, Phyo, Kue, 2020, video still.

-Adad Hannah

-long lens, distance of 5 meters

-shot in the streets of Burnaby

-20 second long videos/images

-“the portraits serve as a powerful reminder of the ability art has to connect across physical distance.”


Anna Binta Diallo, studio installation of Wanderings at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, 2019

-Anna Binta Diallo

-Access Gallery

-Installation of photo collages

-Reinterpretation of folk stories

-Extending the possibilities of photography (set-design, prop making in photography)

One Reply to “Pro-D Day!”

  1. Such an awesome resource, Candice! I’ve passed it to my daughter for some ideas with my grand-daughters.

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