Apple and Samsung who is finial winner?

Who is real winner? Who is WINNER?

IPhone 5S  has attracted many young consumers and business professionals with the unique gold, but two weeks after Apple introduced golden iPhone, Samsung launch a gold version of the Galaxy S4 and has very similar appearance with iphone5s.

Although the iPhone 5S in September 20th was officially on sale, and there are concerns that some sales will be Samsung or iPhone 5C shunt, but iPhone 5S is still a smart mobile phone market in September the United States of America’s most popular.

According to the analysis Apple released the first week of data, two new iPhone sold 9000000. The most popular is gold of iPhone 5S, follow the data of Apple in China’s market, iPhone 5S can be sold around 50 in per hour.

The data from current view, iPhone5s sales situation is excellent but in the June,July and August the best-selling is Samsung. Now we are unsure who is the winner, we should keep following their products.

