My Inquiry III course professor challenged us to utilize a metaphor in relation to our teaching philosophy. I have chosen to take climbing, one of my favourite hobbies, to link to my teaching philosophy.
I see myself, the classroom teacher, as the metaphorical belayer, and my students as the climbers on the wall. I am not required for the students to begin climbing, however, I am required to ensure their safety, to provide some level of comfort, and also to provide beta or “coaching”. Some of my students may be scared to even begin climbing and others may only get a few feet up the wall. Many will get a considerate distance before losing energy or motivation, or perhaps will be overcome by self doubt. A small number of students will make it easily to the top and will be eagerly awaiting their next challenge.
I imagine these climbers scattered on the wall at different heights facing different challenges and displaying different strengths. These are the students I see in my class. Some have a hard time even beginning tasks while others complete them easily. As a belayer I can not hold a direct rope to every student at the same time. As a teacher, however, I can do better. I do my best to accommodate them all. I need to offer coaching, additional support and scaffolding to certain students, I need to advocate for them. I need to establish a safe and caring community of hard-working learners who help one another. For those students who finish a climb easily I must have additional challenges ready for them.
The classroom is like a climbing wall: it can appear insurmountable, but with support and confidence from all, everyone can achieve success and meet their goals.
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I really like this metaphor for teaching Cassandra. It’s also so cool that you found a new passion!