May 14, 2011

Posted by: | May 14, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I am keeping a daily journal of the sights I see and the feelings I reflect on. They will be posted not necessarily in order, though I will try my best to be consistent. Hopefully people can keep in touch with me this way, since I am not online often.

I am on my way from Kampala City to the rural village of Busowle where I will settle into the homestead that I will reside on for the next three months. So far, it is very hot, very bumpy, and traffic is quite busy.

I don’t miss Vancouver yet, there is so much to take in. Immersion is key for me, but slowly I will do more reflecting and less simple ‘description’ of my experience here. Grammar may not be perfect, and sentences might not even be coherent. I am simply typing and following a stream of thoughts, reactions, reflections, experiences, memories, etc.

I do miss my close friends in Vancouver, whom this blog is meant for.

Much love from Uganda,



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