Mornings here are so lively. At 5AM roosters started crowing, and you hear crickets and birds chirping away. It’s not as much of a nuisance to be woken up so early, and it was easy to drift back to sleep because the commotion from the farm animals was sort of cozy. Woke up at 7:30 AM, washed up, and now am just sitting here in the living area typing away. We have a lot of space here, it is definitely starting to feel like home. All my anxiety and fear have subsided a little.

Today we plan to walk around, enjoy the sunshine, get to know the kids in the household, and just relax. It’s such a beautiful day, and it’s usually like this. There are no clouds in the sky, and there is so much sunshine pouring into our living area. We’ve all pretty much combined our snack foods and comfort foods in the living area: hedgehog chocolate, granola bars, chocolate bars, nutri- grains, and tea.

I haven’t felt this calm in a while. The other day I noticed suddenly that I felt really good about myself. By that I mean… I didn’t think twice about what I was eating, or what I was wearing, or how I looked in general. I think it’s because there are no advertisements promoting thin- ness, setting unrealistic model expectations, etc. Women here are so much more confident in themselves, and there is very little comparison and judgement.

It is such a joy to have visitors in Uganda culture. Everyone is so accommodating, it’s so lovely. Josephine our hostess came over this morning and we are joining the family for breakfast.


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