Thinking of home.

Posted by: | May 18, 2011 | 1 Comment

At the end of the day I am exhausted. It’s tiring to be stared at all day. It’s tiring not being able to communicate in the same language with the people around us. It’s tiring knowing that a long bike ride awaits before home. This exhaustion has allowed to appreciate all the simple pleasures that […]

On being Foreign

Posted by: | May 17, 2011 | Leave a Comment

It was our second day at the community library today. So far we’ve had meetings with the head librarian and two board members, and determined which projects we will be heading for this summer. I will be in charge of coordinating four inter- district events designed to promote reading, writing, speech- making, and debate skills. […]

Mornings here are so lively. At 5AM roosters started crowing, and you hear crickets and birds chirping away. It’s not as much of a nuisance to be woken up so early, and it was easy to drift back to sleep because the commotion from the farm animals was sort of cozy. Woke up at 7:30 […]

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