After a six hour drive from Kampala, we arrived in the small village of Busowle, in the district of Butaleja. The ride over was full of scenery that one would imagine when conjuring images of ‘Africa’. It was flat mostly, with majestic clouds and lush greens. Many people walk along the highways, and it […]

May 14, 2011

Posted by: | May 14, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I am keeping a daily journal of the sights I see and the feelings I reflect on. They will be posted not necessarily in order, though I will try my best to be consistent. Hopefully people can keep in touch with me this way, since I am not online often. I am on my way […]

May 12, 2011

Posted by: | May 14, 2011 | Leave a Comment

May 12, 2011 During lunch we had a discussion about class mobility. People in Uganda belong to so many different tribes, and they have few tourists hanging around on the streets. They have fewer minority groups, so they generalize when addressing the different skin tones. For example, light skinned foreigners are called Mzungus, while Asians […]

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