hostels, love them

Posted by: | August 11, 2011 | Leave a Comment

London has been amazing to me. This whole week I have been just wandering around the city, immersed in the beautiful architecture and taking in the history of this place. I have been walking around mostly, and it’s incredible how much I can see by straying from the regular tourist routine… the days when I just wander off into a London market, or into an entertainment district by accident… those have been the most satisfying. My hostel is amazing: there are fun-tastic people, and every night is a dance party! It’s been sad having to say goodbye to people as they leave the hostel onto the next leg of their journey, but it kind of adds to the romantic fun of being a hosteller.

I’ve been so… free to be myself here, I surprise even myself. It’s nice to know how different I am from other people, and yet how my individualism add so much to the friendships I’ve grown here. I love being a traveller, minus the hassles of luggage and confusing bus maps.

Tomorrow morning I fly off to Paris! I won’t believe it until I’m there…. 🙂 I still can’t get over the fact that I’ve been in so many historic places, seen so many sights in the five days I’ve been here. It’s really really indescribable how incredible it is to be in this city. I am definitely going to plan a longer trip here. Maybe I’ll even try backpacking across Europe next year, seriously.

But still, I am looking forward to going home and sleeping in my own bed. It’ll be a nice change not having to store and lug all my personal belongings in one piece of luggage.


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