
Posted by: | August 12, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Travelling alone is stressful. It feels like I’m constantly on guard, always checking that I’m doing the right thing at the right time… Almost missed my flight to Paris because the boarding time frame was only 10 minutes. I was lucky too, because I didn’t know what terminal I was supposed to arrive at (it […]

hostels, love them

Posted by: | August 11, 2011 | Leave a Comment

London has been amazing to me. This whole week I have been just wandering around the city, immersed in the beautiful architecture and taking in the history of this place. I have been walking around mostly, and it’s incredible how much I can see by straying from the regular tourist routine… the days when I […]

What an amazing day. Started out early, got a delicious house brew coffee from Pre a Manger, walked over the London Bridge, coffee in hand. It was refreshing to walk alongside all the Londoners on their morning commute. Some rode bcycles, many more walked. Caught a bus down to Trafalgar Square. Was a bit lost, […]

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