disconnected dots

Posted by: | September 19, 2011 | 1 Comment

It’s been awhile since I wrote anything meaningful here. I find less reason to, now. I think I prefer to keep it to myself. I also draw a blank when it comes to writing a new post. At the same time, I’ve been jotting more things down in my handy diary. People ask me, what […]

Something changed

Posted by: | August 16, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I could not have asked for a better trip at a better time. I met such amazing people and my time away has allowed me to come to terms with some things and some relationships. Having been in so many different cities has definitely given me a different perspective. I want to say that my […]


Posted by: | June 11, 2011 | 1 Comment

I’ve been listening to this song by One Republic each night as I fall asleep: Lullaby. —- June 8 Homesickness hits unexpectedly, as I anticipated it. It feels like apathy, manifesting itself as indifference, carelessness, and even selfishness. Being as sentimental in nature as I am, it urges me to look through the photos of friends […]

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