Playlist by Mr. Vasicek, a teacher in Michigan found here and his philosophy behind it found here   Come-In Songs — Bouncy songs to start the day off right. “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves “Come on Over” by Shania Twain “Best Years of Our Lives” by Baha Men “Brown Eyed Girl” by Van Morrison […]

Music in the Classroom

Posted by: | February 24, 2013 | Leave a Comment

Here is a section from an extremely informative blog post on why music should be integrated into the classroom: Music for Learning Suggestions Focus and Concentration Music Play as background music while students study, read, or write to: · increase attention levels · improve retention and memory · extend focused learning time · expand thinking […]

Teaching is not just about the child’s learning process, but also about the development of the teacher. I chose the teaching profession because I am a student at heart, and I will get to learn all my life as an educator. Some learning moments, as recorded in my field journal on practicum and at work: […]

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