Mornings here are so lively. At 5AM roosters started crowing, and you hear crickets and birds chirping away. It’s not as much of a nuisance to be woken up so early, and it was easy to drift back to sleep because the commotion from the farm animals was sort of cozy. Woke up at 7:30 […]

May 12, 2011

Posted by: | May 14, 2011 | Leave a Comment

May 12, 2011 During lunch we had a discussion about class mobility. People in Uganda belong to so many different tribes, and they have few tourists hanging around on the streets. They have fewer minority groups, so they generalize when addressing the different skin tones. For example, light skinned foreigners are called Mzungus, while Asians […]

I felt a lot of fear yesterday during our exploration of Kampala City. Fear comes in many different forms, I think, and is sourced from different things. Perhaps how I process this experience of fear depends on how I decide to frame it in my written reflections and conversations with my colleagues. I really wanted […]

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