emotional processing

Posted by: | January 25, 2013 | Leave a Comment

Today was a difficult day to get through mostly because of the stress and fatigue that has been building up over the past few weeks. I was very emotional because I put so much stress on myself for no good reason. I have to learn to let go, and be still. To reflect on silence […]

Holiday plans

Posted by: | December 16, 2012 | Leave a Comment

It is exciting to finally have time to do something other than attend lectures or write assignments. Aside from a little holiday shopping, I will be mostly spending this holiday season preparing for our spring fundraisers for Busolwe Mango Grove Junior School with my colleagues Stephanie Sammartino and Hannali Popoca Fehr. Many of my blog […]

Teaching is not just about the child’s learning process, but also about the development of the teacher. I chose the teaching profession because I am a student at heart, and I will get to learn all my life as an educator. Some learning moments, as recorded in my field journal on practicum and at work: […]

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