Unemployment Among University Graduates

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This article discusses the unemployment rates among youth. Post-secondary education is now a requirement for most careers, hence more students are attending some sort of post-secondary institution. With the growing number of graduates there simply are not enough job opportunities, and students are being forced to settle for jobs that they are simply qualified for.

This article also states that universities are responsible for the unemployment among youth as they are focused on the education and not students’ future employment. They also claim that universities’ statistics on graduate employment are often misleading. I feel as though universities are actually helping students by providing them with co-ops, internships and support programs that gain them work experience. Students who take advantage of these opportunities are set apart from other graduates who are entering the work force. Though this article did raise a good point that education isn’t simply enough, it also argued that student’s expectations are too high. They stated that finding a “dream job” is simply unrealistic. I believe that this is not the case. People should continue to strive to find a career that they enjoy and are passionate about. Though this may take extra time or work it is the rest of your future and it does affect overall happiness.

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