“More Working Women in China Freeze Their Eggs”


Summary of article/video: China is facing a decline of pregnancy. In 2010, the average age of the first time Chinese mothers is 28, up two years from 2000. China is now encouraging women to have children, therefore bans single women to freeze their eggs. However, more and more women are unwilling to have babies early ,due to career, and many rich women especially celebrities have frozen their eggs abroad. This trend of women delaying marriage and motherhood fears the government that women may have babies without finding a husband, which is a serious problem since men already out number women in China.

Comments: China is facing this issue due to many historical reasons. Men is out numbering women because of the extreme Patriarchal system in the past, which still apparent in today’s society. With the enlargement of gap between the rich and poor, many women are placing their career before creating a family of her own. Many successful women do not wish to give up on their jobs for their family, therefore, choose not to marry at a young age. Furthermore, the one child policy also affected many Chinese’s perspectives and values. Now that many Chinese are use to having only one child in the family or even no child, it is very difficult for the government to encourage and convince pregnancy all of a sudden.

In an Economic point of view, there is likely to be more black markets for egg freezing in China due to this policy: Single women are not allowed to freeze their eggs. This will definitely affect China’s economy, and the government will need to take into critical concern. If this issue continues to grow, China will eventually face a really serious population decline in the future with an increase of old age, which causes an increase of unemployment rate.


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