Better Place Gains Ground In Electric Car Innovation

Better Place is changing the electric vehicle industry and in my opinion, it will result in a ripple of lasting changes throughout the market. In Peter Nowak’s blog post, Better Place electric cars need better business plan he writes about the flaws of their business plan, offering no possible alternatives or suggestions.

The market for electric cars has always been plagued by the same problems, they’re inconvenient and their price is above that of what an average consumer is willing to pay. Better Place is the first company to make a significant attempt at addressing all of these issues while still remaining profitable.

The true issue the company faces is not within the mission of their business statement but rather the lack of brand loyalty they have been able to create so far. As with any product, loyalty will not be achieved without a copious amount of time and effort. However, there is no doubt that sustainability is the way of the future and Better Place is absolutely heading in the right direction. If it were obvious, the issue of mass gasoline consumption by vehicles would have been solved. The simple truth is, it’s not obvious. It’s going to take continued outside of the box thinking to create a resolution and in my opinion Better Place holds the strongest points of difference in that category.–better-place-electric-cars-need-better-business-plan



Hearing Aid Proves to be Promising Industry

Several entrepreneurs, working for either themselves or an already established firm, have plans to enter the hearing aid industry. With the help of a five forces analysis I have discovered that entering this market has a large amount of upside. One of the plans for hearing aid development was a concept in which a blue tooth earpiece could be fitted to become a hearing aid and the technology could be bought as an application on a smartphone. The opportunity for this business venture is very promising. To begin with current market competitors could be overcome in several ways. This concept involves both significant points of difference and lowered pricing. The channel that this product would be supplied through is as well, completely unique. Advertising and sales through a smartphone make it easily accessible to a target market where accessibility is crucial. Direct substitutes could be warded off as technology patents would be obtainable stopping imitation products from hindering sales. The sales pitch of this product is what makes it so attractive. Sure, the buyers may have power but why choose the overpriced low-quality alternative? The development and future of this product is one that looks bright for both consumers and producers.

Blackstone Invests In The Future of African Power

The Blackstone Group has set forth plans to invest their money into creating power sources for several areas in Africa.  Blackstone, the world’s largest buyout firm, is planning on investing in hydro and geothermal energy source products worth three billion dollars. Blackstone clearly sees the present as a premium time to be involved in the African power business just as any educated investor would. The amount of demand for energy in Africa is rapidly increasing and it is a commodity that is undoubtedly going to remain prominent.  Detailed analysis of the market in Africa shows that there is a significant unfilled need for new energy sources. The research shows that nearly sixty percent of Africans are unable to access electricity. The cost of money in this investment is rather low as electricity is a viable business venture and the proposed projects are relatively low risk. Blackstone faces vast opportunities as once it is acquired, electricity has a very inelastic demand; if they are able to achieve a partial monopoly in this field the payout would be immense. Whether taking advantage of that opportunity would be ethical is another concern but nonetheless the prospect is present. The Blackstone Group has nearly unlimited potential in this venture and the result of the upcoming projects will be more than interesting to explore.

RIM Advertises Desperation

The latest campaign act for the smartphone company RIM has the left their company with an image of desperation and hopelessness. The company released a promotional video in which several members of the company sing tweaked lyrics to REO Speedwagon’s “keep on loving you” to show their appreciation for blackberry developers. The clip appeared to give the company a position of believing their current platform is obsolete; it would be hard to disagree. Any points of difference that blackberry may have had are vanishing as the advancements in apple and android products are moving exponentially faster than their own. Blackberry’s strongest point of difference, blackberry messenger, is as well struggling because its appeal is contingent on the popularity of blackberry itself. It is very apparent that the object of this video is to plead to the blackberry faithful to stick with the company through the current struggle the company faces. In this environment, with an overflow of information, RIM makes it very easy for consumers to simplify their platform by merely placing it at the bottom of all smartphone providers.

Safety Ignored At Cost of Miners Lives

A fatal accident occurring in a Performance Coal Company mine site situated in West Virginia claimed the lives of 29 miners employed to work there. Excessive buildup of methane gas and coal dust caused an explosion in the mine that left no survivors. The event is undoubtedly horrific but the issue that raises skepticism is the degree to which it could have been avoided. Always in retrospect there are precautionary measures that we recognize and can’t help but dwell on. The true question is whether or not these precautions were mere responsibilities of the safety regulators on site. Many believe that they in fact were and if handled correctly the catastrophe could have been avoided altogether. As more research is being collected it is becoming obvious that many members on site knew of the danger but did not wish to shut down production. The question that arises is one of whether it is unethical to disregard safety hazards in order to maintain work processes. A case of this magnitude offers a simple answer, yes it is unethical and possibly a criminal offense. On a smaller scale some grey area is present making the “right” choice less clear. It could be said that safety advisors did not realize how greatly their choices would impact their colleagues. It is that principle of the unknown that solidifies the reality that any safety issue purposely overlooked is a blatant breach of ethical behavior.