Swedish Language

Winter Session 2024/25

SWED 100: Elementary Swedish I | Syllabus

Term 1 | In-person | Various times | 3 credits

Introduction to Swedish language and culture at a beginners’ level. No traditional, high-stakes tests or exams, only short quizzes, and projects. Cultural projects where you get to explore and share what you find interesting about Swedish culture, language, and film. Cultural topics include: Nature conservation and environmental protection (Allemansrätten), Greta Thunberg, social etiquettes, fika and lördagsgodis, letters å, ä, ö, and dialects.

SWED 110: Elementary Swedish II | Syllabus

Term 2 | In-person | M/W/F 11:00 – 12:00 | 3 credits

Ability to communicate in everyday situations; speak and write about past events; familiarity with contemporary Swedish culture. Cultural topics include: The Nobel Prize, Sweden Day, snus (Google it!), Påskkärringar and witches, and how fun the names of your relatives are in Swedish: mormor, morfar, farmor, farfar.

SWED 200: Intermediate Swedish I | Syllabus

Term 1 | In-person | M/W/F 13:00 – 14:00 | 3 credits

Further develop speaking, reading and writing; express yourself in a variety of contexts; familiarity with contemporary Swedish culture.

Prerequisites: First year Swedish or equivalent. Cultural topics include: the Indigenous Sámi population and Swedish colonization, Gender roles and equality measures, “strange” Swedish habits and food (surströmming, anyone?).

SWED 210: Intermediate Swedish II | Syllabus

Term 2 | in-person | M/W/F 12:00 – 13:00 | 3 credits

Competence in expressing yourself in a wide range of contexts, also in written form; familiarity with contemporary Swedish culture.

Cultural topics include: Sauna culture, the Swedes’ dream of a summer cottage (sommarstuga), the Swedish Education System, and how to prepare for a visit to Sweden and all the fun, weird traditions.

Student Spotlight Ikra aziz

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