About the Lab

Our goal is to do work that considers the ecological context of children and youth in our research, clinical practice, and service.  The work in our lab addresses the social, emotional, cognitive, and academic strengths and needs of children and youth and their families. We strive to do so in a way that considers the strengths of children, youth, and their families and the contexts where they develop and experience their lives. We  conduct research with children and youth of varying ages. The students and families with whom we work come from a variety of diverse backgrounds and a wide array of community contexts. Relationships are important to the work we do and the way we approach our work with children, youth, and their families across systems such as school, health, mental health, neighbourhood and community. Interdisciplinary collaboration and diversity is also important to our work and we are fortunate to have a lab with team members from a variety of disciplines, professional and personal backgrounds.