Nike is the most successful sports brands worldwide. However, as far as I know from Klein Naomi (2000), Nike was confronted with sweatshop scandal at the end of last century. Basically, Nike was accused people all around world of treating workers unfairly by paying them low wages. Even though workers in Nike factories worked very hard every day, the wages they earned were still not able to pay their living costs. It developed to crisis of confidence for Nike eventually, which caused a bunch of anti-Nike movements worldwide. Also, inner-cities people (especially black and Latino in US) criticized that Nike only marketed products to their children, not jobs for their parents. Nike could very successful in the last few years, but they didn’t treat people that are as good as they got. The scandal happened more than 10 years ago, but Nike still couldn’t recover completely from it. The questions raised by Nike are: How do companies and workers deal with relationships well? How can they make a deal on fair treatment?