Posted by: | 3rd Oct, 2010

Copycat culture of Starbucks

     This week, I did some research about the Starbucks Corp. by finishing group assignment. There was an interesting picture I found during researching, unfortunately, this stuff was not associate with our situational analysis homework. So today, I want to share this picture in my blog and put some comments on this interesting phenomenon.

     Starbucks’s worldwide expanding is one of its significant marketing strategies. As consequence, Starbucks have built a successful brand name towards its consumers and the visibility of its brand logo is pretty high due to its clustering marketing strategy. Obviously, logo is the recognized symbol of a brand and representing the meanings of the brand through a certain formal simplicity. Logo makes the first impression for the brand, every brand in the world want to show their uniqueness through the logo. Starbucks’ logo stands for its brand culture which provides the high quality coffee and efficient service. That is why people are willing to pay a higher price on a cup of Starbucks rather than a cheaper but less famous one in other coffee shop.

     Till here, it is easier to explain the copycat phenomenon towards Starbucks. It is because those copycat companies want to misleading consumers on their first impression. Consumers may enter that store unconsciously and pay for a cup of coffee or shift their good feelings about Starbucks to those copycats. From my view, that makes copycat company stands out from their same size competitors just from the first impression of consumers.

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