Posted by: | 12th Nov, 2010

Creative Packaging~


     The picture above is the annually Starbucks chrismas red cap of  2010. And the cup theme of this year is “Share A Cup, Share A Story”. It has been a tradition we regard the red cup as the sigh of the upcoming Chrismas. Obviously, Starbucks did a great job on their packaging design, which increases Starbucks holiday selling greatly. As influence of the red cup example,  have you ever thought about how the product packaging influences your daily buying decision? Some times, the interesting packagings influences me a lot for impulse purchasing. For me, the creative packagings are selling ideas to ideas and further differentiated  products.

    Are you experiencing the mysterious disappear of your lunch sandwiches? God knows which glutton of your office steals it form the fridge. Look at this package!!! It makes the sandwich mildew, how can a normal person steal a sandwich with green spots on it. A simple design on the bag makes things so different. It even adds a new function, anti-theft, to a small bag. Such an amazing and funny idea that can also make this sandwich bag maker stands out from the competition and add more value to the bags.


        Ha~ What are these,some fruits in the weird shapes? Absolutely not, it is a juice box designed by a Japanese company. When I looked at these boxes from the first sight, it really gave me an idea that the juice inside must be extremely fresh and healthy as the newly picked fruits.  Are you thinking the same as me now and having a strong desire of drinking a box of them? Unlike most of juice makers, who prints lots of words on the boxes to demonstrate how fresh their juices are. This juice maker instils a much stronger fresh-juice idea to its creative packaging, which gives its consumers a visual impact when they are buying juice from numerous choices in the shelf.

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